Hi, there 👋🏼! I’m Olivia, your very own financial assistant.
I’ll help you stretch your paycheck so you’ll have more money to do what you love ❤️️
Enter your e-mail now to get an exclusive invite when I'm ready. I'll never spam you.
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A financial friend you can text

No need to learn how to use another app. Chat with Olivia the same way you do with your friends, from a familiar, intuitive messaging interface.

Your money got smarter

She learns about your finances and habits, and comes up with unique insights on how to save money and stretch your paycheck, even before you spend it.

All you need in one place

Olivia organizes all your accounts and transactions, so you always know where your money is going, what your balance is, and how much you can spend.

She's clever, not complicated.

Chat phone backdrop
Linking with an account layer

Connect your accounts in seconds

Simply select which bank accounts you want Olivia to track for you. She can only see your transactions for those accounts, nothing else. All connections use bank-level security.

Seriously. It's really easy.
Chat phone backdrop
Chat bubbleChat bubbleChat bubble

Start receiving insights on your spending

Olivia will analyze your spending and immediately start recommending ways you can save money. She is really insightful, and behind her brain and knowledge there are some of the world’s best data scientists and software engineers.

Don't worry. We all spend too much on restaurants!
Overview screen
Overview graph

Always know what you can safely spend

We all know it's hard to budget. With Olivia, budgeting is as easy as seeing what you can spend today and for the rest of the month. Olivia helps with everything else, too. She tracks your balance and spending and provides tools to help you do even better.

I won't judge your spending habits. I promise.
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The science & technology behind Olivia

Olivia was created by a multidisciplinary team. First, software engineers built the brain. Then, data scientists educated her on personal finance. She was also trained by cognitive researchers on how to interact with humans, and by linguists on how to text. Finally, designers gave her a form and shape.

If you reserve your spot right now, you'll be one of the first people in. You'll thank me later ;-)
iOS Security LayeriOS Aggregate Resources LayeriOS Data Science LayeriOS Chat Layer
Conversation Engine: My chat library and context-awareness allow me to engage with you in the right conversation at the right time.
Behavioral Economics: My algorithms also learn from your habits, and find how to motivate you to make the right financial decisions.
Machine Learning: My algorithms help me make sense of your data, find relevant financial patterns and give you actionable insights.
Security and Privacy: TouchID authentication, 256-bit encrypted connections, no on-device storage — I use it all to protect your data.

As seen on...

Planet of the Apps

That's right, Olivia is featured on the groundbreaking new series from Apple Music. Check out the trailer to see a sneak peak of the upcoming season!

Lights, camera, action! 🎥
Adam Ortega
I like that you are able to ask Olivia if you can buy something for a certain price and I also love the useful tips.
Nadia | Los Angeles, CA
Cynthia Gonzales
Olivia offers great suggestions to help you save money and lets you know if you fall off track and how to get back on. I love it!
Ruth | Cumming , GA
Adam Ortega
I love Olivia for the single fact that it keeps me in check with my spending. For anyone who needs help with stretching their pay check, Olivia is the app for you.
Melvin | San Francisco, CA
Cynthia Gonzales
Olivia's a great tool for planning your budget. I love the daily spend feature with the calendar view it really helps keep me on track.
Christy | Austin, TX